Friday, February 12, 2010


Tonight are the opening ceremonies. Some of the volunteers claimed that they were brought to tears just viewing the rehearsal!!! Sounds like its going to be good! Four years ago I marched in as a coach with the Costa Rican team. I can honestly say it was one of the highlights of my life.

When we walked into the stadium the bright lights and sound hit us like shock wave, then as we entered and paraded around the stadium the crowd was truly going berserk. Each time they ignited the flames positioned around the stadium you could feel the heat. The blazing choreographed in-line skaters were whizzing past us so close you could touch them, then the finale came as the now deceased Luciano Pavaratti sang out in his angelic voice and was so close to us standing on the floor that it seemed like it was a private concert in which millions of tv viewers worldwide were witnessing.

One thought that I had was that as wonderful as that day was I truly believe that the parade of the saints into the gates of Heaven on the “Day of the Lord” will far exceed any Earthly procession even the IOC or organizing committees can put together!! Revelation describes Heaven as having myriads upon myriads of singing angels. I guess “myriad” is a word to describe a number too big to count. I’ll bet their singing and music will be great too...and loud!

But most significantly won’t be the presence of a hefty, opera star, but the Lord Himself. When He that’ll be a moment!!!!

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