Friday, February 19, 2010

Cool Runnings

I was last in Whistler for int'l bobsled training week last Nov. While there I met an American bob pilot had had just become a Christian. John had experienced a couple of life changing events and God was there for him. My Lake Placid counterpart, Derek, was there for him and one of the guys I mentored, Brock, pushed John in 4 man.

While in Whistler we did some Dupps discipleships. Dupps is a tiny hole in the wall Mexican restaurant that serves incredible food. The Americans and Canadians worked a deal with them that if they'd put a Dupps sticker on their sled, the crew gets free meals. For usually broke (and always cheap) bobsledders, Dupps becomes their second home. Of course during the Olympics the sponsor stickers have to come off unless the company pays out big bucks to the IOC.

But more on Dupps discipleship... it was with Brock and John that I was last in Dupps. John had that spiritual glow of a new Christian. He was just so pumped about his new faith. The kind of joy that is truly contagious.

I was talking to John last night after our daily fellowship and bible study meeting. He told me that the new Christian joy was still there and wasn't showing any signs of fading (even though it's been several months now). Surprisingly, John told me that before he was a Christian his emotions were outwardly quite up and down. This really surprised me as I've only ktnown the Christian John and he's always full of joy.....even after yesterday's bad training run.. That's because true joy is independant of life's ups and downs.

You can cheer for John. He pilots USA #2 I believe. He's been bobsledding since he was 9. Well, at first he just went in the sled with his dad. John won the Lake Placid 4 man world cup this year, so he's definately a contender.

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